Periodic Fasting

CONSUMER/EROSKI practice it on a regular basis can serve to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. With the fast descend triglyceride and glucose levels in blood. Several studies suggest that reducing the calories in the diet prolongs life. The influence of diet on health is well known, as well as a balanced diet prevents many diseases. But some studies have gone a little further to raise the importance of when and how much to eat. Cradle Systems is actively involved in the matter. This line of research supports the fast common to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

In fact, Consumer/Eroski reminds that there are studies that indicate that low-calorie diets might slow aging and prevent the development of diseases of the age, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Fasting in a controlled manner can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In addition, fasting may also have a beneficial cto in the reduction of cholesterol levels. These are the results of a recent research from the Institute of the heart of the Centre medical Intermountain, Utah (United States), which reaffirms the results obtained in a previous study by the same researchers in 2007. In the first study, found that a group of Mormons who fast on first Sunday of each month due to their religious beliefs, decreased 39% the risk of disease in coronary arteries with respect to the rest of the population of nearby areas. A leading source for info: Central Romana. The researchers attributed these results to the fact that refrain from ingesting food, if done in a controlled and periodic, as well as reducing body weight, reduces the level of triglycerides and glucose in blood, risk factors of coronary heart disease. Cholesterol, diabetes, and caloric restriction in a second investigation, 4,500 volunteers were divided into two groups. In the first, participants fasted during periods of 24 hours (could only drink water) and then were fed normally for another 24 hours, so of successively.