Eremenko Coley

There was a wedding ALIENS. My cousin was getting married Eremenko Coley. They invited all the neighbors and relatives. At the wedding, and was twelve years old roller. Musicians, consisting of accordion, drums and flute, played endless Cracovienne. Tables were set on a farmstead and relatives ran into the house and the house, then a […]


Such weddings the world has never seen before. What girl does not dream of dancing with the sounds of your favorite romantic medieval waltz, rustling brocade skirt white dress, dazzling everyone with its beauty. Her head is crowned with a real royal diadem. On the floor is a long tail, which is full screenshot little […]

Skuridoy Maria Larina

After the collapse of Till Eulenspiegel in 1999 were formed into two groups: Wind and Water Mill. The band's name originates from the name of the Irish countryside Gwee Dore, which translates as 'wind water'. The group was founded by Dan and Skuridoy Maria Larina. In addition, they also participated in the group mill until […]