Ana Lee not wise person what it was the love, until knowing Jhon. Palpitations in the chest, sweat and calafrios when the looks if crossed. I love it for Jhon grew to each as. It not wise person nothing on Jhon, everything what wise person was that seemed to be the being more perfect than existed. Jhon started to send it loving letters, with perpetual oaths and poetries. Certain time wrote to it: ‘ ‘ Ana Lee, Lee I deliver my love, Lee I deliver my heart, Lee I deliver everything, owner of mine paixo’ ‘. Believing that the love arrives, Ana Lee accepted the order of namoro of Jhon. Gotten passionate it lived to make happy Jhon.
Jhon although serious it corresponded to this love, however with arrogance. Peeter, better friend of Ana Lee, alerted to it that Jhon was not a good youngster. It wise person who Peeter hid a love for its person, then found that she was intrigues of the friend and moved away itself from it, magoando the heart of the youngster. Jhon knew of the occurrence and was until the house of Peeter, it attacked where it with words. Ana Lee, to each day was blinder of love for Jhon that did not perceive the quo badly this love made to it. Already it did not eat to keep the beautiful form for the demanding boyfriend.
It does not smile, not to enciumar the poor sensible boyfriend. Certain day, Peeter was sick. Ana Lee, with remorse to have abandoned the friend who always was to its side was to visit it. Arriving its house, she sighted it seated in its old wooden rocking holding a letter in the hands. She had the married appearance, and in the face, deep olheiras. Peeter to it sights Ana Lee smiled to it as if nothing it had passed and it extended the letter to it saying with a light whispered tone: ‘ ‘ I wise person who viria’ ‘.