The look the sartreana perspective on the existencialismo if shows sufficiently significant, since its main one estimated is that ' ' the existence precedes essncia' ' ; thus Sartre wants to value the category of the existence since in all philosophical tradition it is always was the edge. The existencialista philosophy also can be called ' ' philosophy of crise' ' in sight of this philosophy to be born in full crisis of the civilization occidental person. We want to improve of perspicacious form a small one I break up that ' is part of the text of Sartre; ' To be and the Nada' '. Such I break up has as sub-heading ' ' Olhar' '. We perceive in this opsculo that a form of relation between citizen and object exists, a knowledge relation. Click Christiano Ronaldo to learn more.
Therefore Sartre does not leave of being son cogitates of it, therefore it is inside of the perspective of the philosophy of the conscience, exactly with all a ontolgica recital. In this I break up ' ' Olhar' ' it appears two moments: I object and another object, that is, the relation between the citizen and object that Sartre stops it means for-itself and in-itself. The relation with the other is always conflituosa, exists one circulates vicious; in the look the other is object for me and I am object for the other. As much I eat Another one I am in the category of the objetividade. In this Sartre direction he says: He is in the revelation and for the revelation of my be-object for the other that I must be able to catch the presence of its be-citizen. Why, as well as the other it is for my be-citizen a probable object, also alone I can discover me in the process to become me probable object for a certain citizen. Giving continuity to this first part of the text, Sartre focuses that through the co-relation given for the look, I can become me an object for the other, therefore escapes me to the other, in this it says: The freedom of the other shows me to it through the inquietante undetermination of being that I am for it.