Web VereinDB

Club software as software as a service (SaS) is software from the socket for all clubs vereinDB and want to share associations, incapacitating member lists, and other documents and the annoying correlating different lists have tired of. Modern societies need also a contemporary and flexible management. All types of lists can work together via the Internet at vereinDB. All data fields are there definable. With integrated document management, the current documents are available at all times for all. The permissions allow himself of course awarded for each user, each list and each document individually.

The access can be done on the Act Ellen data E.g. from home, in the Office or during the Board meeting. The only requirement for the use of the virtual association management is a computer with Internet access. The software must not be installed because it is handled by the browser. This is also referred to as software as a service (SaS). your research. You can import existing Excel spreadsheets and again export.

It is a group E-Mail and group SMS function is available. So members can contact quickly and simply. Labels can be printed out with just a few clicks. All tables can be of course to sort, filter, and group. vereinDB there are three versions: the basic version is free. The number of members and tables is it unlimited. Only 1 MB disk space available are only for document management. The standard version includes 100 MB for document management plus the sending group emails. 250 MB disk space available are available in the premium version. In addition to the actual application, there are in the blog of vereinDB other articles of Club work (club management, club management and law). There is also a collection of links to interesting secondary Web addresses. When the volunteer work, much time and passion is invested in NPOs. The goal of vereinDB is always Zuzgriff on the current management of documents and lists to provide efficiently and cost-effectively, so the Board members Data and can concentrate on the actual tasks of the Club. How to reach vereinDB: vereinDB site: vereinDB application: login.vereindb.ch Facebook: pages/vereinDB/135895966450150 Twitter: vereindb FriendFeed: vereindb behind vereindB is a small team of people from the IT sector, which involved itself in the work. Initiator, main developer and driving force is Daniel Luthi.